Headlines & Links

Headlines & Links

  • by Humble Author
    It’s been quite a while since I submitted anything to this forum. Those of you who have been with Catholic Journal long enough to have […]
  • by Fr Joseph Esper
    Once there was a woman—let’s call her Mabel—who decided to walk the famous Camino, the pilgrimage route that ends at the tomb of the Apostle […]
  • by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
    Recently, in an essay titled Escaping Media Control I cited research on the length of TV commercials in 2020, the most recent data available. That […]
  • by Fr Dino Vanin
    Whenever we heed the soft voice of care and empathy whispering in our soul, we might feel so great and so uplifted that we ignore […]
  • by William Borst
    When the early reports first surfaced that there had been an assassination attempt on former President Trump, my first thought was that I was not […]
